Jersey Shore Area Joint Water Authority has four upcoming projects. The authority has applied for grants to help with cost associated with the new Larry’s Creek Water Treatment Plant project.

    1. Roaring Run Raw Water Line: Full replacement of 4,000 feet existing raw water transmission line from the Roaring Run Dam to the Larry’s Creek water treatment plant. Project includes two different areas of stream crossings. The work has begun and the project should be finished April 2024. Estimated Cost: $500,000.
    2. Larry’s Creek Water Treatment Plant: Planning construction of a membrane filtration water treatment plant which includes all fixtures and apparatus to treat potable water. We have finished the DEP required 90-day pilot study. This project is currently in the design phase. Anticipated work to begin year 2025.
    3. Meter Replacement Program: The authority has begun changing out older meters in homes and businesses. The authority gathers information pertinent to the mandated lead service inventory while we are changing the meters.
    4. Lead Service Inventory: This is an EPA and DEP mandatory program that was recently rolled out from the Biden administration. The program was designed to remove all lead water service lines to every home and business. The program will require cooperation and support from the public. The lead service inventory has begun, and we must have the inventory submitted to DEP by October 2024.


Roaring Run Raw Water Line: This project has been completed on March 25, 2024.

Larry’s Creek Water Treatment Plant: The 90-day membrane filtration pilot study has been approved by DEP and the project is in the final design stage to submit for a public water supply permit application to DEP.

Meter Replacement Program: Please call to schedule an appointment.

Lead Service Inventory: We are working on a website to help explain the program and you can also submit your plumbing information on the site as well. Please call to inquire about this program.

Pine Creek Well#1: The authority submitted a Hydrogeologic Evaluation Application to the SRBC for an additional 0.305 million gallons per day from our PC WELL #1. The Authority provided the required supporting information including hydrogeologic setting, groundwater availability estimates, completion of operational testing, and historical operational withdrawal and groundwater elevation data. The Authority must submit a groundwater withdrawal application requesting approval of a quantity of up to 0.452 mgd (30-day average) that the Commission can review and schedule for action at a future Commission business meeting. This application is currently in progress.

Groundwater Source Development: Jim Casselberry completed the Phase 1 hydrogeologic study to determine if additional groundwater resources could be developed to augment the Larry’s Creek and Roaring Run sources. The report is available to view at our office.

If you have questions or concerns about the projects listed above, please address them to: Eric S. Johnston, Manager, Jersey Shore Area Joint Water Authority 570-398-1443