According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), lead in your drinking water is dangerous – particularly to children and pregnant women. Even low blood levels of lead can cause dangerous and long-term damage including slow growth, lower IQ and behavioral problems, and anemia.
Where Lead Comes From
Lead is a naturally occurring element in the earth. Lead can enter your drinking water when plumbing materials begin to corrode – especially in homes built before 1986, according to the EPA. Lead usually enters drinking water from building materials, home plumbing, and service lines.
Is my drinking water safe?
Jersey Shore Area Joint Water Authority works around the clock to provide top quality quality drinking water to seven municipalities in Lycoming and Clinton counties. We provide an annual Consumers’ Confidence Report to demonstrate just how dependable your water is.

Local Testing
In 2022, Jersey Shore Area Joint Water Authority sampled water from 20 customers and had it tested for lead at a certified laboratory. Of those, three samples showed no signs of lead, fifteen showed levels below the EPA’s action level and two had detects. As a result, the Authority had enacted by the end of 2022 a program including but not limited to:
- Continuing a long-standing corrosion control treatment to help keep pipes from eroding.
- On-going source water treatment that uses settling, filtration and disinfection processes to treat local water sources, which are not known to contain lead in the first place.
- Continuing an on-going water main and service line replacement plan, which has replaced more than 70 percent of the original infrastructure to date.