Sewer Rate Payers of Jersey Shore Borough, Nippenose, and Porter Township:

In the Mid to late 2000s the Jersey Shore Area was facing many difficult and expensive decisions on how to handle the EPA requirements for meeting the Chesapeake Bay Cleanup Efforts. In 2009 Jersey Shore Borough, Porter and Nippenose Township created the Tiadaghton Valley Municipal Authority to tackle the major sewer issues:

  • Existing Waste Water Treatment Plant was in poor condition and could not meet the nutrient removal requirements.
  • There was very limited room at the existing site to allow for expansion and upgrade.
  • The old plant was located in the FLOOD WAY which severely limited funding options and provided exposure for high flood insurance premium rates.

Tiadaghton Valley Municipal Authority started construction of the new Waste Water Treatment Plant in September 2012 and was put on line on March 24th, 2014.  We have also completed construction of a new collection system in Antes Fort and those residents started connecting in June 2014.

Due to the significant costs of the project in order to be in compliance with the Chesapeake Bay Cleanup we have had to increase the sewer rates to pay for this project as well as maintain and upgrade the old and degrading collection system from the 1950’s.

The New Sewer Rates are billed based upon water consumption and are as follows:

Water Consumption Rate
0-5,000 Gallon: $49.50 per Month- (Per EDU Unit)
5,001-15,000: $9.90 per 1000 Gallons
>15,000: $7.90 per 1000 Gallons 

If anyone would like to discuss your sewer bills or any other sewer related issues please feel free to contact me at 570-398-2366.

Thank You
Shawn Lorson
Tiadaghton Valley Municipal