We need your assistance to identify your water service line material! Water service lines are separated into two sections. The Authority-side of the water service line from the water main to the curb stop (often located at the property boundary) is owned by the Jersey Shore Area Joint Water Authority. The customer-side from the curb stop to the house is owned by the customer/homeowner. The homeowner is responsible for maintaining the customer-side of the water service line. The Authority has records for the Authority-side, but we have limited records for the customer-side. This is where your help is needed.
Please identify your service line material and complete the Water Service Line – Customer Survey or make an appointment with our office by calling (570) 398-1443 so we can verify the material of your service line. If your water meter was replaced within the last two years, it is likely that the Authority already collected information on your service line material while completing the meter changeout.
- Not sure when your water meter was replaced? Please call our office to confirm.
- Still need to have your water meter replaced? Call us to schedule an appointment, and we can verify the material of your service line at the same time!
If the Authority verifies a lead or galvanized steel service line, you will receive follow-up instructions on how to mitigate your exposure to lead in drinking water and information on service line replacements. The Authority is committed to identifying the material of all water service lines in accordance with all federal and state regulatory requirements. Don’t delay, verify today!
If you are unable to identify the service line material, please call us at (570) 398-1443 so we can assist.